Don’t be afraid of staying close to the edge, this will give you better reaction time.Do small jumps to reach the platforms faster, release the jump button around when your head reaches the bottom of the platform to land on it with minimal time loss.Then, the last four are either a full square that cover the top and middle (don’t jump), a middle and bottom (full jump), or an M formation (jump/go below on the free spaces). If you can, stay below their starting point so you can jump over it. Afterward, there’s snake-ones that cover one or two of the top spots. First obstacles only cover the first two tiles so you can jump over all of them with ease.You can do a small jump by tapping the A button quickly, it’ll only jump over 1 tile but it is quicker.Turn without accelerating or you will very easily take a wall.Keep jumping, this minigame is way easier this way.A golden hen appears when the timer is around 11 seconds and the last golden hen appears randomly in the last 5 seconds.If you have the puzzle with the numbers, similar to that of mushrooms, I recommend that you are already ready when the “Start” appears on the screen.If not, you can turn it in another part of the pipe and so on, until the game counts it. I recommend that you try to position each part of the pipe in one direction and see if the game counts it.

If you really want to be quick, try focusing on the bottom screen and using your peripheral vision to see the color of the enemy you need to select.The paths eaten by the Mattermouths reappear after 5 seconds.Unless only one square is lit on the face you’re standing on, just ground pound the middle of the cube to go faster.